
Quilt is a great tool to maintain patchsets. For those new to quilt, let me brief you on how it works. If you take something like the kernel sources, you would eventually need to apply patches to give it functionality that has not made it to the official tree. Examples

Messing with the Colonel

I’ve been reading Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love recently, and it’s exactly the book I’ve always been looking for. A number of kernel books have spent a long time in my wait queue gathering dust and becoming obsolete with every passing day. I’ve gazed longingly

Dukes and Kings

ApacheCon Asia was last week, and it featured some very interesting talks. The BSF4Rexx talk sparked an interest in Rexx and I was around looking for open source Rexx interpreters when I stumbled upon Regina! The puns never end in the open source world. It’s been ported to practically

The Magic Word

Once in every three years or so, I fire up an editor that I can’t exit. First it was vi, many many moons ago. Then came emacs. Ctrl-x, Ctrl-c was the LAST thing on my mind. I’ve been working with z/OS for a while now and never

Way to blue

Been playing Nick Drake on endless repeat the past few weeks and it amazes me how it never gets old. I’ve been nursing a Drake obsession for more than three years now, but then I’ve been known to hook onto particular works for exceedingly long periods of time.

FOSS-ed for Hackers, a footnote

FOSS-ed for Hackers ended last week, and the entire geek blogosphere has been brimming with posts on the subject so I won’t delve much into it. Overall, it was a success. The participation was extremely good and the event was organized in style, thanks largely to Devaka. The appearance


It was a very eventful weekend. For one thing, the FSF associate member’s meeting was being held at MIT on Saturday. I’m not a fan of social events, but as it turns out, geek hangouts are where I thrive. Made the long and arduous journey to Boston with

Virtual Private Networking

I’m sure most of you would have had to mess around with VPNs at some point of your lives. Sometimes, VPNs can turn nasty and bind you to an OS that hinders your free spirit. But thanks to IPSec, that doesn’t always have to be the case. For

Hut 8, Bletchley Park

Came across the M4 project a couple of days ago while doing some much needed digging. Its simply a distributed effort to crack 3 enigma messages encoded in (what is believed to be) “Shark”, the formidable naval cipher which uses four rotors as opposed to “Dolphin” that uses just three.

The Onion Router

I recently tried out TOR for the first time as this has been something in my TODO list for a while. It was just a matter of apt-get install tor privoxy Adding the following line in /etc/privoxy/config forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 . And starting the tor and privoxy services. Next,